Colon Cancer Screening in Lubbock, TX

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Colon cancer is one of the most preventable cancers. The colon and rectum are located in the large intestine, which absorbs water and nutrients, and holds waste before it is discharged from your body.

A colon cancer screening is done to search for polyps and cancerous growths on the inside wall of the colon and rectum when there aren't any GI symptoms present. A polyp is a noncancerous growth in the colon. Yet, some of these could turn into cancer in the future. Detecting and removing these polyps and any malignant growths could prevent complications and death that could result from colon cancer.

Our skilled gastroenterologists frequently perform screenings for colon cancer for Lubbock, TX individuals. To request a colon cancer screening, contact a Lubbock Digestive Disease Associates location in your community.

What are the benefits of a colon cancer screening?

Regular screenings for colorectal cancer are essential to your overall and digestive health. Several benefits of colorectal cancer screenings involve:

  • Possibly catch colorectal cancer early on
  • Potentially prevent colon or rectal cancer from developing
  • Find and remove abnormal growths in the colon and rectum
  • Detect other types of colon conditions, such as inflammatory bowel disease
  • May be a life-saving exam

Colorectal cancer may not produce signs or symptoms until it progresses. Scheduling screenings on a routine basis can help your physician diagnose any concerns or conditions as early as possible.

Patients should consult with their GI provider at a Lubbock Digestive Disease Associates location regarding when they should go to the screening and what tests to have. Any of the following tests may be suggested for a colon cancer screening:

  • Flexible sigmoidoscopy: A sigmoidoscopy is used to view the inner rectum and lower colon. A tube about the size of a finger with a camera (sigmoidoscope) will enter the rectum so we can take images of the inside wall, as well as a portion of your colon. The sigmoidoscopy can be used to take a biopsy of the tumor or polyp and to remove polyps. However, a colonoscopy needs to be done to view all of the colon and extract all tumors or polyps. This procedure is fairly safe, but there is a slight risk of a bowel tear, bleeding, and infection.
  • Colonoscopy: A colonoscope is similar to sigmoidoscope, but it is longer and used to examine the inner wall of the entire colon. The colonoscope is put in through your rectum so the GI specialist can see a full view of the colon on the monitor. GI tools can be introduced into the colonoscope to take the biopsy and extract polyps. Sedation is needed. There is a small risk of bowel tears, bleeding, or infection after the procedure.
  • Virtual colonoscopy: Virtual colonoscopy is a CT scan of the colon. We'll have you lie on the table while the CT scanner will take images of the colon. It is a noninvasive technique and doesn't require sedation. If any abnormalities are found, a colonoscopy will be needed to remove the polyps or tumors.
  • Double-contrast barium enema: A small tube is inserted into the rectum while barium sulfate, which is a liquid that is white and chalky, and air are pumped into the colon. The barium suspension lines the outer walls of your colon. X-rays of your colon are then taken to identify abnormalities on the inner wall of the colon. If abnormalities are identified, a colonoscopy will be required to extract the polyps or tumors.
  • Fecal test: This is done with a fecal sample and is completely safe. These tests may not give confirmatory results but could suggest abnormalities in your GI tract, necessitating further tests. A colonoscopy needs to be performed if your results are positive, indicating the presence of cancerous growths in your colon.

Our Lubbock, TX gastroenterologists perform three types of fecal tests:

  • Fecal occult blood tests detect blood in your feces not visible to the eye through a chemical reaction.
  • Fecal immunochemical tests detect blood through a specific immunochemical reaction of protein in your blood and is often able to detect nonvisible blood.
  • Stool DNA tests identify certain abnormal/irregular DNA genes in the cells shed from cancerous growths or polyps in the stool sample.

Certain factors could put you at a higher risk of developing colon cancer. Risk factors can include:

  • Individuals with a previous history of breast, ovarian, or uterine cancer
  • Individuals who had colon cancer before
  • People over 45 years of age
  • People with an inactive lifestyle, bad eating habits, or who smoke
  • People who have close family members like parents, siblings, or children who have or had colon cancer
  • Individuals with ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease
  • People with familial adenomatous polyposis, a condition where patients develop a number of polyps in the colon and rectum

With routine screenings, colon cancer can easily be detected and prevented in the early stages. If you're over 45 years old or have had other conditions that increase your chances of colon cancer, we recommend scheduling a colorectal cancer screening. As a physician-led group of GI providers who operate with a patient-focused mindset, Lubbock Digestive Disease Associates employs state-of-the-art technology to maintain your digestive health. To schedule a colon cancer screening in Lubbock, TX, contact one of our locations at your earliest convenience.

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Why is screening for colon cancer important?

Colorectal cancer commonly arises from irregular growths in the large intestine (colon) or rectum known as polyps. With a colonoscopy exam, these precancerous growths can be detected and removed to help lessen the chance of and possibly even prevent colon cancer from occurring. Having regular screenings for colon cancer can also allow doctors to find cancer that is already present. When colorectal cancer is identified early, it may be simpler to address.

At what age should I start colon cancer screenings?

It is recommended that patients who have an average risk of colon cancer start regular colon cancer screenings upon turning age 45. Individuals who carry a higher risk may need to start these screenings earlier. Your gastrointestinal doctor can help you ascertain exactly when you should begin your colorectal cancer exams.

How often should you get a screening for colon cancer?

The intervals at which people should have colon cancer exams can be based on the type of screening being conducted. In general, patients aged 45 and over should have a colonoscopy exam once every decade when they have an average risk of developing colorectal cancer and experience normal colonoscopy results. Patients with a significantly high risk are advised to undergo colonoscopy screenings at least once every five years. Please consult your gastrointestinal doctor to determine how frequently you should schedule colorectal cancer screenings.

What can I do to prepare for my colon cancer screening?

The preparation process for a colon cancer screening will depend on the type of screening scheduled. When having a colonoscopy, detailed prep instructions will be provided ahead of your exam so that you can clear out your large intestine. Your doctor may also provide other instructions to follow in the days leading up to your screening. It is important to abide by your physician's instructions to help ensure they can catch any issues when performing your colon cancer exam.

Very fast or at least it feels that way while your under! Lol, they did a great job! I was able to walk after the colonoscopy 😂😂 also guys don’t fear this!! It’s no big deal!! It’s better then dying of colon cancer!!

L.V. Google

Dr Fenton is the best as far as I'm concerned. Dr Fenton found my Colon cancer back in 2017. He definitely is kind and knowledgeable at the same time, which is very important to me. His staff is also very good.

A.B. Google

(Translated by Google) Excellent service being treated by Dr. Ariwan Rakvit is the best thing that could happen to me. she is part of the group of people who saved my life from stage 3b colon cancer (Original) Excelente servicio el ser atendido por la Doctora Ariwan Rakvit es lo mejor que me pudo pasar. ella es parte del grupo de personas que salvaron mi vida de cáncer de colon etapa 3b

M.V. Google

Dr. Sorrell believed me that I needed an early colonoscopy even at 35 due to family history and pretty much saved my life last year! I am so grateful she was open to taking my word for it even though family members were a little unclear with conflicting and minimizing information and now I need a colonoscopy yearly. :) I’m certain she kept me from developing colon cancer had I put it off, or had she not trusted me that I needed one!

E.T. Google


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