When Should You Consult a Doctor for Hemorrhoids?


At Lubbock Digestive Disease Associates, questions about hemorrhoids often arise during our patient interactions. These dilated blood vessels in the lower rectum or anal area can induce symptoms like pain, itchiness, or even occasional rectal bleeding. Overlooking such symptoms can set the stage for further health complications.

As a leading name in gastrointestinal health, Lubbock Digestive Disease Associates is dedicated to patient empowerment through education. This article provides invaluable advice from our network of GI physicians in Lubbock, TX, focused on managing hemorrhoids and identifying when professional medical advice is required.

Why is distinguishing between the types of hemorrhoids important?

Being informed is crucial when tackling health issues, including hemorrhoids. The condition is primarily categorized into two types:

  • Internal hemorrhoids: Located within the rectum, these usually cause minimal discomfort but might lead to bleeding episodes.
  • External hemorrhoids: These develop beneath the skin around your anus and are frequently more painful.

Identifying the specific type of hemorrhoids you have can guide you toward the appropriate treatment plan.

Can hemorrhoids go away without any medical help?

People commonly wonder if hemorrhoids will resolve without medical care. Although milder instances might improve naturally, most instances of hemorrhoids necessitate a visit to a GI expert for proper diagnosis and treatment options.

At what point should medical care for hemorrhoids be considered?

Consistent symptoms like itchiness, persistent discomfort, or the occurrence of blood when passing stools should be seen as alerts that require prompt medical evaluation from our Lubbock, TX GI doctors. Depending on your condition, possible treatments may involve:

  • Medicated creams or ointments
  • Soothing warm water baths
  • A fiber-rich dietary plan
  • Hemorrhoid banding techniques
  • Surgical intervention in extreme scenarios

For internal hemorrhoids, a simple diet change like adding more fiber could suffice, although severe cases may require surgical measures.

Seek expert advice from Lubbock Digestive Disease Associates

Delaying medical attention for hemorrhoids can lead to aggravated symptoms. Immediate action can greatly improve your health. If you're facing symptoms indicative of hemorrhoids, we strongly recommend reaching out to the closest Lubbock Digestive Disease Associates location. Our seasoned team of GI doctors will provide you with accurate diagnosis and treatment options tailored to your needs. Schedule your consultation at your nearest Lubbock, TX location without delay.

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