Get to Know Crohn's Disease


Crohn's disease, a specific inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), is a frequent subject of discussion at Lubbock Digestive Disease Associates. This chronic condition largely affects the digestive system, particularly the colon and small intestine. Patients with Crohn's disease typically undergo cycles of severe symptoms followed by periods of remission. Understanding Crohn's disease and receiving care from our expert digestive disease specialists in Lubbock, TX is crucial for managing it effectively. Keep reading for detailed insights into this widespread gastrointestinal condition.

How common is Crohn's disease?

A frequent question from our patients relates to how common Crohn's disease is. In the United States, it affects about 1 in every 100 individuals, with men and women equally susceptible. Crohn's disease commonly manifests between the ages of 15 and 35 but can develop at any age. While it may not be as widely recognized as other health issues, Crohn's disease is not an uncommon condition. Understanding its prevalence is essential for enhancing public understanding, encouraging early diagnosis, and ensuring effective management strategies. At Lubbock Digestive Disease Associates, we are dedicated to providing individualized attention and guidance to each of our patients.

What genetic factors are linked to Crohn's disease?

The genetic component of Crohn's disease is both intricate and simple. While associated with certain genetic mutations, Crohn's disease is not solely hereditary. Its development can be influenced by various factors, including:

  • Genetic predispositions
  • Environmental triggers
  • Immune system responses

Our team at Lubbock Digestive Disease is ready to assist you in understanding your personal risk for developing Crohn’s disease.

What are the signs of Crohn's disease?

Identifying the signs of Crohn's disease is key to effective management. The most common symptoms include:

Early detection of these symptoms is vital for timely care by our Lubbock, TX digestive health specialists.

How is Crohn's disease diagnosed?

The diagnosis of Crohn's disease typically involves various tests and evaluations, such as comprehensive blood tests, stool analyses, endoscopic examinations, and advanced imaging techniques like CT scans and MRIs. A prompt and accurate diagnosis is crucial for implementing the most suitable treatment plans.

What treatment strategies are available for Crohn's disease?

Effective management of Crohn’s disease requires a variety of personalized and prompt treatment strategies, which may include:

  • Anti-inflammatory medications for the digestive tract
  • Nutritional counseling and supplement regimens
  • Surgical options for more severe cases
  • Regular check-ups with a digestive disease specialist

Although there is no cure for Crohn's disease, the main goal of treatment is to manage symptoms, minimize aggravating factors, and pursue remission.

Specialized Crohn’s disease treatment in Lubbock

Accessing expert medical care is essential for effectively managing conditions like Crohn’s disease. At Lubbock Digestive Disease Associates, we specialize in Crohn’s disease treatment, providing accurate diagnosis, tailored treatment plans, and extensive patient support. If you are in Lubbock, TX and need assistance with Crohn's disease, please reach out to our team to schedule a consultation. Our commitment is to work alongside you to manage Crohn's disease, focusing on improving your health and quality of life.

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