Colon Cancer Screening in Lubbock, TX
What is colon cancer screening?
Colorectal cancer ranks as the third most frequently diagnosed cancer but is also among the most preventable types. The large intestine, consisting of the colon and rectum, functions to absorb water and certain nutrients from digested food, while also storing solid waste until its expulsion from the body.
Screening for colon cancer involves searching for polyps and cancerous growths inside the colon and rectum before any gastrointestinal symptoms appear. Polyps are benign growths that may later turn cancerous. Early identification and removal of these polyps and cancerous growths can prevent severe complications and fatalities from colon cancer.
The board-certified gastroenterologists at Lubbock Digestive Disease Associates consistently conduct colon cancer screenings and recommend that all individuals initiate screening at age 45. To schedule a screening, please contact a Lubbock, TX office near you.

What are the benefits of a colon cancer screening?
Routine screenings for colon and rectal cancer are critical for maintaining both general and gastrointestinal health. While various screening methods exist, such as stool testing, colonoscopy remains the only preventive strategy specifically for colorectal cancer. The benefits of colorectal cancer screenings include:
- Providing a potentially life-saving examination
- Early detection of colon or rectal cancer
- Identification and removal of polyps in the colon and rectum
- Helping to prevent the development of colon cancer
- Detecting other gastrointestinal issues, such as inflammatory bowel disease
Colon cancer may not present signs or symptoms until it is advanced. Regular screenings allow your doctor to detect any issues or conditions at the earliest possible stage.
What are the colon cancer screening options?
Individuals should consult with their GI doctor to determine the appropriate timing and type of screening for colon cancer. The following tests are commonly employed for colon cancer screening:
- Flexible sigmoidoscopy: This test uses a sigmoidoscope to examine the rectum and lower colon. A slender, finger-sized tube with a camera on the end is inserted into the rectum, allowing the doctor to view images of the inner walls on a monitor. It can also be used for biopsy and polyp removal. However, a colonoscopy is necessary to examine the entire colon and remove all polyps or tumors. While generally safe, there is a minor risk of bowel tear, bleeding, and infection.
- Colonoscopy: Similar to a sigmoidoscope, a colonoscope is longer and allows for examination of the entire colon. Inserted through the rectum, it enables doctors to view the whole colon on a monitor and use special tools to perform biopsies and remove polyps. Sedation is typically required, and there is a slight risk of complications such as bowel tears, bleeding, or infection. This is the only procedure that offers a complete preventive strategy for colorectal cancer.
- Virtual colonoscopy: Utilizing computed tomography (CT), this noninvasive test captures cross-sectional images of the colon while the patient lies on a CT scanner table. Though it doesn’t require sedation, any detected abnormalities necessitate a follow-up colonoscopy for polyp or tumor removal.
- Double-contrast barium enema: This procedure involves inserting a tube into the rectum to introduce barium sulfate and air, coating the colon walls. X-rays are then taken to identify any abnormalities. Similar to other tests, any detected issues require a follow-up colonoscopy.
- Fecal test: Conducted using a stool sample, these tests are completely safe and include three types:
- Fecal occult blood tests use a chemical reaction to detect blood invisible to the naked eye in the stool.
- Fecal immunochemical tests identify blood through an immunochemical reaction specific to a blood protein, detecting hidden blood.
- Stool DNA tests search for abnormal DNA from cancerous growths or polyps in the stool. Positive results from these tests necessitate a repeat colonoscopy to investigate further.
All these screening options are vital for early detection and prevention of colon cancer, and choosing the right one should be discussed with a healthcare provider.
Who may be at risk of colon cancer?
- Individuals aged 45 and older
- Individuals with familial adenomatous polyposis, a genetic condition characterized by the development of numerous polyps in the colon and rectum
- Individuals who have previously been diagnosed with colon cancer
- Women who have had breast, ovarian, or uterine cancer in the past
- Individuals with a family history of colon cancer, including parents, siblings, or children
- Individuals diagnosed with ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease
- Individuals who lead a sedentary lifestyle, have poor dietary habits, and smoke

Preventive screenings for colon cancer
Colon Cancer Screening FAQs
Why is screening for colon cancer important?
Colorectal cancer commonly arises from irregular growths in the large intestine (colon) or rectum known as polyps. With a colonoscopy exam, these precancerous growths can be detected and removed to help lessen the chance of and possibly even prevent colon cancer from occurring. Having regular screenings for colon cancer can also allow doctors to find cancer that is already present. When colorectal cancer is identified early, it may be simpler to address.
At what age should I start colon cancer screenings?
It is recommended that patients who have an average risk of colon cancer start regular colon cancer screenings upon turning age 45. Individuals who carry a higher risk may need to start these screenings earlier. Your gastrointestinal doctor can help you ascertain exactly when you should begin your colorectal cancer exams.
How often should you get a screening for colon cancer?
The intervals at which people should have colon cancer exams can be based on the type of screening being conducted. In general, patients aged 45 and over should have a colonoscopy exam once every decade when they have an average risk of developing colorectal cancer and experience normal colonoscopy results. Patients with a significantly high risk are advised to undergo colonoscopy screenings at least once every five years. Please consult your gastrointestinal doctor to determine how frequently you should schedule colorectal cancer screenings.
What can I do to prepare for my colon cancer screening?
The preparation process for a colon cancer screening will depend on the type of screening scheduled. When having a colonoscopy, detailed prep instructions will be provided ahead of your exam so that you can clear out your large intestine. Your doctor may also provide other instructions to follow in the days leading up to your screening. It is important to abide by your physician’s instructions to help ensure they can catch any issues when performing your colon cancer exam.